Thursday, April 8, 2010

The smooch is on the loose!!!

Ummmm puchhhhhh...slurp..burp..slurp...fartt...
That’s not me after a chicken bucket. This is Sound of Smooch that is on loose in our campus. This recent trend, brought in by some foreign students has been picked up by our very own Desi daredevils. They don’t miss one opportunity to lock their horn’y’ lips in public places. It’s their way of saying, “I can kiss my girl in public. Can you”? My question is-Why should i kiss your girl in public? Aren’t you enough?
The sound made by the transfer of gutka and lipstick laden saliva and the groping hands that try to map the anatomy of each other’s bodies sometimes makes people say-“Why don’t they get a room”? My question is-Why should they waste on a room for something that can be done in phokat(free)?Why the non-smoochers have a problem? Is it because it’s them who are smooching and not you? Or is it because they don’t allow you to smooch? Or, is it because the ones being smooched are the ones you thought would never be smooched by anyone?
Instead of feeling disgusted at this PDA (Public Display of Affection), Mahapurush suggests you to do the following:
!. Use the camera of your blackberries. You paid for it! Try it’s video capturing feature too. And there’s a plethora of websites where you can upload them. This will serve as an inspiration to other smoochers.
!!. Add spices from your own imagination, extrapolate and exaggerate what you see. Gossip is the best remedy against sleep diseases induced by lectures.
!!!. Start passing lewd comments. This will give the much needed push to the smoochers to take their escapades to the next level-escapades. After all,who doesn’t like to watch young hornies making out?(provided they are not your own bfs or gfs)

Go Smoochers Go!!! The world is your stage. Play the game. Play it dirty. Play it hard. We are watching...And we are lovin it ;)